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입트영(입이트이는영어) 17.10.18 Cicadas 매미


Talk about cicadas.

In Korea, it’s easy to come across cicadas that sing day and night in the summer and fall. Cicadas like the hot and humid summer weather in Korea. They stick around until the mild weather of autumn. Cicadas are harmless to people, but sometimes they can get on your nerves. The noise they make can ring in your ears. People who are sensitive sometimes can’t stay focused because of the sound. Sometimes the cicadas sing continuously. Other times, they sing repeatedly, on and off. At times, they keep people awake by singing at night. Korean cicadas are dark brown. They are hard to spot, because they are the same color as tree bark. Also, they are on the large side.


• come across 접하다
• sing day and night 밤낮으로 울다
• hot and humid 덥고 습한
• stick around 남아 있다
• mild weather 온화한 날씨
• harmless to people 사람에게 무해한
• get on one’s nerves 성가시다, 신경을 건드리다
• ring in one’s ears 귀에 울리다
• be sensitive 예민하다
• stay focused 집중하다
• on and off 끊어서 간간히, 불규칙적으로
• keep someone awake ~을 잠 못 들게 하다
• be hard to spot 찾아내기 힘들다
• be on the large side 큰 편이다


01 sing day and night 밤낮으로 울다
In Korea, cicadas sing day and night during the summer.
한국에서는 여름에 매미들이 밤낮으로 울어 댄다.
On that island, birds sing day and night.
그 섬에서는 새들이 밤낮으로 울어.
Many insects sing day and night in the countryside. 시골에서는 많은 곤충들이 밤낮으로 울어 댄다.

02 harmless to people 사람에게 무해한
Cicadas are harmless to people.
매미는 사람에게 무해하다.
Chocolate is harmless to people, but dangerous for dogs.
초콜릿은 사람에게는 무해하지만, 개한테는 위험하다.
The new product is harmless to people.
그 신제품은 사람에게 무해하다.

03 get on one’s nerves 성가시다, 신경을 건드리다 Cicadas can get on your nerves.
매미는 성가실 수도 있다.
Sometimes he gets on my nerves, but I love him.
그가 때로는 성가시기도 하지만, 그래도 나는 그를 사랑한다. The mosquitoes really got on my nerves.
모기들이 정말 성가셨다.

04 keep someone awake ~을 잠 못 들게 하다
At times, they keep people awake by singing at night. 때로는 밤에도 울어서 사람들이 잠들지 못하게 한다.
The hot weather kept me awake.
나는 더운 날씨 때문에 잠들지 못했다.
I was very tired, but my friends kept me awake.
나는 매우 피곤했지만, 친구들이 잠들지 못하게 했다.

05 be hard to spot 찾아내기 힘들다
 They are hard to spot, because they are the same color as tree bark.
그것들은 나무껍질과 색상이 같아 분간하기 어렵다.
CD players are hard to spot these days.
요즘은 CD 플레이어를 보기 힘들다.
If you drop anything here, it will be hard to spot. 여기에서 뭔가를 떨어뜨린다면 찾아내기 힘들 거야.


It doesn’t bother me. 난 신경 안 쓰여.

A How can you sleep? It’s so noisy!
B I don’t hear anything. What’s wrong?
A The cicadas have been singing all day.
B Oh, that. It doesn’t bother me.
