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입트영(입이트이는영어) 17.10.16 Swimming 수영


Talk about how you learned to swim.

When I was younger, I had a fear of water. It was because one time, I nearly drowned in a pool. In elementary school, my mother signed me up for swimming lessons. At first, it was hard just to get in the water. However, things got better as time passed. I even began to enjoy swimming. I kept at it with the lessons. I got pretty good at freestyle and breaststroke. As an adult, I still enjoy swimming. I go to the pool whenever I get the chance. I do several laps in the pool. I can get plenty of exercise through swimming. It makes my body flexible, and it makes me feel refreshed. Swimming is a great sport that I would recommend to anyone, regardless of age or gender.


• have a fear of ~에 대한 공포증이 있다
• nearly drown 익사할 뻔하다
• sign someone up for ~을 …에 등록시키다
• things get better 상황이 나아지다
• keep at it 꾸준히 하다, 견디어 내다
• freestyle [frí;stàil] 자유형
• breaststroke [brèststròuk] 평영
• whenever one gets the chance 기회가 될 때마다
• do several laps 여러 바퀴 돌다
• get plenty of exercise 운동을 충분히 하다
• feel refreshed 기분이 상쾌해지다
• anyone, regardless of age or gender 남녀노소 누구라도


01 nearly drown 익사할 뻔하다

One time, I nearly drowned in a pool.
나는 한번은 수영장에서 익사할 뻔했다.
Many people nearly drowned because of the high waves.
높은 파도 때문에 많은 사람들이 익사할 뻔했다.
I forgot to warm up and nearly drowned.
나는 몸을 푸는 것을 깜빡해서 익사할 뻔했다.

02 whenever one gets the chance 기회가 될 때마다

I go to the pool whenever I get the chance.
나는 기회가 될 때마다 수영장에 간다.
Whenever I get the chance at work, I stand up and stretch.
나는 직장에서 기회가 될 때마다 일어나서 기지개를 편다. You should try to exercise whenever you get the chance.
기회가 될 때마다 운동을 해 보도록 해.

03 do several laps 여러 바퀴 돌다

I do several laps in the pool.
나는 수영장을 몇 번씩 왔다 갔다 한다.
I was very tired after doing several laps around the track.
나는 운동장을 여러 바퀴를 돌아서 매우 피곤했다.
I was late, so the coach made me do several laps. 나는 지각을 하는 바람에 감독님이 여러 바퀴를 뛰게 하셨다.

04 get plenty of exercise 운동을 충분히 하다

I can get plenty of exercise through swimming.
나는 수영을 통해 운동을 충분히 할 수 있다.
To lose weight, you have to get plenty of exercise. 살을 빼기 위해서는 운동을 충분히 해야 한다.
I try to get plenty of exercise during the weekend.
나는 주말에는 운동을 충분히 하려고 노력한다.

05 feel refreshed 기분이 상쾌해지다

Swimming makes me feel refreshed.
나는 수영을 하면 기분이 상쾌해진다.
I felt refreshed after I took a shower.
나는 샤워를 하자 기분이 상쾌해졌다.
If you take a nap, you will feel refreshed.
낮잠을 자면 기분이 상쾌해질 거야.


You look fit. 건강해 보인다.

A Wow. You look fit.
B Thanks. I have been exercising a lot.
A What kind of exercise are you doing?
B I go swimming at the pool every day.
