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입트영(입이트이는영어) 17.10.13 Clinics and Hospitals 개인 병원과 종합 병원


Talk about clinics and general hospitals.

In Korea, there are primary, secondary and tertiary hospitals. Primary hospitals are usually private clinics. Secondary hospitals are general hospitals, and tertiary hospitals are generally university hospitals. For common colds or light symptoms, people usually go to clinics that are located nearby. For major ailments or surgeries, they go to general or university hospitals. Medical referrals aren’t always needed when going to a tertiary hospital. People often go to consult with skilled doctors. University hospitals have many departments, including internal medicine, surgical, pediatric, emergency, psychiatric, anesthesiology, OB/GYN and ENT departments. Most university hospitals also function as educational institutions, so doctors can receive training there.


• primary hospital 1차 병원
• secondary hospital 2차 병원
• tertiary hospital 3차 병원
• private clinic 개인 병원
• general hospital 종합 병원
• university hospital 대학 병원
• common cold 감기
• light symptoms 가벼운 증상
• be located nearby 가까운 곳에 위치하다
• major ailment 중대 질환
• medical referral 진료 의뢰서
• consult with ~와 상담하다
• internal medicine department 내과
• surgical department 외과
• pediatric department 소아과
• emergency department 응급의학과
• psychiatric department 정신과
• anesthesiology department 마취과
• OB/GYN department 산부인과
• ENT department 이비인후과
• function as ~의 역할을 수행하다
• educational institution 교육 기관
• receive training 훈련을 받다


01 private clinic 개인 병원

Primary hospitals are usually private clinics.
1차 병원은 주로 개인 병원이다.

I usually go to a private clinic when I am sick.
나는 몸이 안 좋으면 보통 개인 병원에 간다.

There are many private clinics in that neighborhood. 그 동네에는 개인 병원이 많아.

02 general hospital 종합 병원

Secondary hospitals are general hospitals.
2차 병원은 종합 병원이다.

We went to the emergency room of a general hospital.
우리는 종합 병원의 응급실로 갔다.
General hospitals are usually quite large.
종합 병원은 대체로 상당히 크다.

03 be located nearby 가까운 곳에 위치하다

People usually go to clinics that are located nearby. 사람들은 대개 가까운 곳에 위치한 개인 병원에 간다.

Lots of good restaurants are located nearby.
가까운 곳에 훌륭한 음식점이 많다.

I exercise at a park that is located nearby.
나는 가까운 공원에서 운동을 한다.

04 major ailment 중대 질환

For major ailments, people go to general hospitals. 중대한 질환의 경우, 사람들은 종합 병원에 간다.

He had a major ailment, but there were no symptoms. 그는 중대 질환이 있었지만 증상은 없었다.

Luckily, I have never had a major ailment.
다행히 나는 중대 질환에 걸린 적이 없다.

05 educational institution 교육 기관

University hospitals are also educational institutions. 대학 병원은 교육 기관이기도 하다.

He said he works at an educational institution.
그는 교육 기관에서 일을 한다고 말했다.

A hagwon is both a business and an educational institution.
학원은 사업임과 동시에 교육 기관이기도 하다.


Get well soon! 쾌유를 빌게!

A I have to go see a doctor tomorrow.
B Oh no! What’s wrong?
A It’s nothing too bad. I just have a cold.
B Get well soon!