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입트영(입이트이는영어) Work-life Balance 일과 개인 삶의 균형


Talk about your thoughts on the balance between work and life.

The average work hours for Korean workers are among the longest of OECD nations. Workers who are employed by corporations very often work late. People at start-ups or who run their own business work for so long that they have no concept of work hours. However, I think a balance between work and personal life is very important. I don’t think focusing too much on work is advisable. After all, the purpose of doing one’s best at a job is to have a happier, more leisurely life. People need time to be with friends and family after hours. In particular, parents must have time to spend with their kids. I also think having a healthy hobby that is unrelated to work is good for a change of pace. Adequate rest helps people to be more productive.


• average work hours 평균 근로 시간
• be employed by ~에 고용되다
• work late 야근하다
• start-up 스타트업, 신생 기업
• run one’s own business 자기 사업을 하다
• have no concept of ~의 개념이 없다
• balance between work and personal life 일과 개인 생활의 균형
• focus too much on ~에 지나치게 집중하다
• be advisable 바람직하다
• do one’s best 최선을 다하다
• after hours 업무 시간 이후에
• healthy hobby 건전한 취미
• unrelated to work 일과 무관한
• a change of pace 기분 전환
• be more productive 더 생산적으로 일하다


01 average work hours 평균 근로 시간

The average work hours for Korean workers are very long.
한국 근로자들의 평균 근로 시간은 매우 길다.

What are the average work hours at your company? 너희 회사는 평균 근로 시간이 어떻게 되니?

The average work hours are short in this company.
이 회사는 평균 근로 시간이 짧다.

02 run one’s own business 자기 사업을 하다

People who run their own business work a lot.
자기 사업을 하는 사람들은 일을 매우 많이 한다.

I am too scared to run my own business.
나는 겁이 많아서 나의 사업을 못 하겠어.

My dream is to run my own business someday.
나의 꿈은 언젠가 개인 사업을 하는 것이다.

03 balance between work and personal life 일과 개인 생활의 균형

I think a balance between work and personal life is very important.
나는 일과 개인 삶의 균형이 매우 중요하다고 생각한다.

A balance between work and personal life is also important for your health.
일과 사생활의 균형은 건강에도 중요하다.

He emphasized the importance of a balance between work and personal life.
그는 일과 개인 생활의 균형이 중요하다고 강조했다.

04 after hours 업무 시간 이후에

People need time to be with friends and family after hours.
사람들에게는 퇴근 후 가족이나 친구들과 함께할 수 있는 시간이 필요하다.

I met my friends after hours to chat.
나는 퇴근 후에 수다를 떨기 위해 친구들을 만났다.

I wish my boss wouldn’t call me after hours.
상사가 업무 시간 이후에는 전화하지 않으면 좋겠어.

05 be more productive 더 생산적으로 일하다

 Adequate rest helps people to be more productive. 충분한 휴식이 더 생산적으로 일을 하게 해 준다.

Writing down your schedule can help you be more productive.
일정을 적어 놓으면 더 생산적으로 일하는 데 도움이 될 수 있어.

To be more productive, you should get plenty of sleep.
더 생산적으로 일하기 위해서는 충분한 수면을 취해야 한다.


He has to work late tonight.
그 친구 오늘 야근해야 돼.

A Where’s Jake? Isn’t he coming today?
B I think he has to work late tonight.
A That’s too bad. He works late too often.
B I know. He never has time to meet us.