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입트영(입이트이는영어) 17.10.05 Baseball Post Season 프로야구 포스트시즌


Talk about the post season in baseball.

The popularity of professional baseball in Korea is beyond belief. Autumn is the time for pro baseball’s post season. Out of 10 teams, the top five advance to the post season. The 5th and 4th ranked teams compete for a wildcard. The winner then competes in a pre-playoff with the 3rd ranked team. The winner of that match-up then plays the 2nd ranked team. The winning team finally faces off against the top ranked team in the Korean Series. The highly-anticipated Korean Series takes place in late October to early November. Attention is focused on the final match. Many people go to watch the games in person, so scoring tickets is a tall order.


• popularity of ~의 인기

• be beyond belief 상상을 초월하다

• post season 포스트시즌

• advance to ~에 진출하다

• compete for ~을 두고 경쟁하다

• match-up 시합

• winning team 우승 팀, 승자

• face off against ~을 상대하다, ~와 대결하다

• highly-anticipated 대망의

• take place 개최되다

• attention is focused on ~에 관심이 쏠린다

• watch the game in person 경기를 직접 관람하다

• score a ticket 입장권을 구하다

• be a tall order 어려운 일이다


01 advance to ~에 진출하다

The top five advance to the post season.

상위 5위까지 포스트시즌에 진출을 한다.

We worked hard to advance to the next level.

우리는 다음 단계로 진출하기 위해 열심히 일했다.

In the 2002 World Cup, Korea advanced to the final four.

2002년 월드컵에서 한국은 4강까지 진출했다.

02 compete for ~을 두고 경쟁하다

The 5th and 4th ranked teams compete for a wildcard.

5위와 4위 팀이 와일드카드를 얻으려고 경쟁한다.

We competed for the final position.

우리는 마지막 자리를 얻기 위해 경쟁했다.

Many teams competed for the prize.

상을 두고 수많은 팀들이 경쟁했다.

03 face off against ~을 상대하다, ~와 대결하다 

The winning team finally faces off against the top ranked team in the Korean Series.

마지막으로 승자가 한국시리즈에서 1위 팀과 맞붙는다.

I hope I never have to face off against my friends.

친구들과 맞붙는 일은 없으면 좋겠다.

The two rivals faced off against each other.

두 라이벌은 서로를 상대했다.

04 take place 개최되다

The Korean Series takes place in late October to early November.

한국 시리즈는 10월 말에서 11월 초까지 개최된다.

A festival was taking place in the park.

공원에서 축제가 열리고 있었다.

When did the event take place?

행사가 언제 개최됐어?

05 watch the game in person 경기를 직접 관람하다 Many people go to watch the games in person.

많은 사람들이 경기를 직접 관람하러 간다.

I didn’t have a ticket, so I couldn’t watch the game in person.

나는 표가 없어서 경기를 직접 관람하지 못했다.

Watching the game in person is more exciting.

경기를 직접 관람하면 더욱 신난다.


How did you pull that off? 그걸 어떻게 해냈어?

A Would you like to go watch the final match?

B Where? At the stadium?

A Yeah! I was able to get tickets.

B Wow! How did you pull that off?