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입트영(입이트이는영어) 17.10.03 Korean Currency 한국의 화폐


Talk about the people on Korean bills.

The bills of most national currencies have pictures of the country’s historical figures. Korea’s bills are no exception. The 1,000 won bill features Yi Hwang. He was a scholar in the Joseon period who built a school to educate students. The 5,000 won bill features Yi I. He was the top student of Yi Hwang. The two were famous philosophers of the time. Yi I is also the son of Sin Saimdang, who is on the 50,000 won bill. The 10,000 won bill features King Sejong the Great, who invented Hangul, the Korean alphabet. He was the most famous leader in all of Korean history. Korean people feel very proud of him. Finally, Sin Saimdang is on the 50,000 won bill. She is the first woman on a Korean bill. She was a calligrapher, poet, writer and artist, all in one. There is talk of making a 100,000 won bill, but it is still in the works.


• bill 지폐
• national currency 국가 화폐
• historical figure 역사적인 인물
• be no exception 예외가 아니다
• Joseon period 조선 시대
• top student 수제자
• of the time 당시의, 당대의
• Korean alphabet 한글
• in all of ~을 통틀어
• feel very proud of ~을 매우 자랑스럽게 여기다
• calligrapher 서예가
• all in one 동시에
• there is talk of ~에 대한 논의가 진행 중이다
• be in the works ~이 준비 중이다


01 historical figure 역사적인 인물
Most bills have pictures of the country’s historical figures.
대부분의 화폐에는 그 나라 위인들이 그려져 있다.
We learned about a lot of historical figures in that class.
우리는 그 수업에서 수많은 역사적 인물에 대해 배웠다.
She is an important historical figure, but she is not very famous.
그녀는 역사적인 인물이지만, 잘 알려지지는 않았다.

02 be no exception 예외가 아니다
Korea’s bills are no exception.
한국의 지폐도 마찬가지다.
The rules apply to everyone, and you are no exception.
규칙은 누구에게나 적용되고, 너도 예외는 아니야.
Almost everyone likes free things, and I am no exception.
거의 누구나 공짜 물건을 좋아하고, 나도 예외는 아니다.

03 of the time 당시의, 당대의
The two were famous philosophers of the time.
두 사람은 당대 유명한 유학자였다.
This was the fastest car of the time.
이것은 당시에 최고로 빠른 자동차였다.
They made it using only the techniques of the time.
그들은 당시의 기술만으로 그것을 만들었다.

04 feel very proud of ~을 매우 자랑스럽게 여기다
Korean people feel very proud of him.
한국인들은 그를 매우 자랑스럽게 생각한다.
Most parents feel very proud of their kids.
대부분의 부모는 자녀들을 자랑스럽게 생각한다.
I always feel very proud of my sisters.
나는 누나들을 늘 자랑스럽게 생각한다.

05 there is talk of ~에 대한 논의가 진행 중이다
There is talk of making a 100,000 won bill.
십만 원권 지폐를 만드는 것에 대한 거론도 있다.
I heard that there is talk of casting that actor.
그 배우를 캐스팅할지도 모른다고 들었다.
There is talk of moving the office to another city.
다른 도시로 사무실을 옮길지에 대해 논의 중이다.

You’re kidding. 설마.

A Did you know that Canadian bills are made of plastic?
B You’re kidding. Isn’t that inconvenient?
A It’s plastic, but it feels just like paper.
B Wow. That’s really interesting.