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입트영(입이트이는영어) 17.10.04 Fourth Industrial Revolution 4차 산업 혁명


Talk about the fourth industrial revolution.

The fourth industrial revolution is a hot topic these days. Humankind is entering the fourth industrial revolution with cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence, the Internet, and robotics. Unmanned cars that drive themselves are one of the major new technologies. Advanced countries like the U.S., Germany, Japan and China are competing fiercely to invest in this field. Korea is a latecomer, but it is increasing investments. There are many advantages, but many are concerned that A.I. will result in fewer jobs for people. They are worried that their skills and know-how will be replaced by machines overnight. At a time of major change, people are both excited and concerned. The key is to both improve our quality of life and create new jobs through new technology.


• fourth industrial revolution 4차 산업 혁명

• hot topic 화제

• humankind 인류

• cutting-edge technology 최첨단 기술

• artificial intelligence 인공 지능

• robotics 로봇 공학

• unmanned car 무인 자동차

• advanced country 선진국

• compete fiercely 치열하게 경쟁하다

• invest in ~에 투자하다

• latecomer 후발 주자

• be concerned 우려하다

• result in ~을 유발하다

• know-how 노하우

• be replaced by ~로 대체되다

• overnight 하룻밤 사이에

• a time of major change 대변화의 시기

• the key 관건

• quality of life 삶의 질


01 cutting-edge technology 최첨단 기술
We are entering the fourth industrial revolution with cutting-edge technology.
우리는 최첨단 기술로 인해 4차 산업 혁명으로 넘어가고 있다.
Korea is famous for its cutting-edge technology.
한국은 최첨단 기술로 잘 알려져 있다.
We used cutting-edge technology to build this product.
우리는 최첨단 기술을 사용하여 이 제품을 만들었다.

02 artificial intelligence 인공 지능
Artificial intelligence is a new technology.
인공 지능은 신기술이다.
Artificial intelligence is used in many fields.
인공 지능은 다양한 분야에서 사용된다.
The human chess player was defeated by artificial intelligence.
인간 체스 기사가 인공 지능에 패배했다.

03 latecomer 후발 주자
Korea is a latecomer. 한국은 후발 주자다.
He was a latecomer, but he worked very hard.
그는 후발 주자였지만, 매우 열심히 일했다.
I was a latecomer, so there was a lot that I didn’t know.
나는 후발 주자라 모르는 것이 많았다.

04 a time of major change 대변화의 시기
At a time of major change, people are both excited and concerned.
대변혁의 시기에 많은 사람들의 환호와 우려가 공존하고 있다.
We are living in a time of major change.
우리는 대변화의 시기에 살고 있다.
In Korea, the 80s were a time of major change.
한국에서는 80년대가 대변화의 시대였다.

05 quality of life 삶의 질
It’s important to improve our quality of life.
삶의 질을 개선하는 것이 중요하다.
The quality of life in this country is very high.
이 나라에서는 삶의 질이 매우 높다.
Taking vacations will improve your quality of life.
휴가를 가면 삶의 질이 개선될 것이다.


It’s about time! 진작에 그랬어야지!

A Did you hear the news?
B What news are you talking about?
A Our company is investing in self-driving cars.
B It’s about time!