EBS Easy English 12월 4주차 라디오 방송/공부 후기
[19일] It's such a cold winter we're having.
1. It's such a ~ - . 참 ~한 -네
올 겨울 정말 춥네.
It's such a cold winter we're having.
= It's really cold this winter.
= This winter is really cold.
참 좋은 날씨다. It's such a beautiful day!
정말 끝내주는 경험이야! It's such an amazing experience!
정말 머물기 좋은 곳이네. It's such a nice place to stay.
2. ~하지 않니? Isn't it ~ ?
위험하지 많아? Isn't it dangerous?
걸어 올라가기아는 너무 가파르지 않아? Isn't it too steep to walk up?
전화하기에는 너무 이르지 많아? Isn't it too early to call them?
3. 난 늘 -하는 걸 배우고 싶었어. I've always wanted to l earn to ~ .
난 늘 스케이트 타는 걸 배우고 싶더라. I've always want ed to learn to skate.
난 늘 수영을 배우고 싶더라. I've always wanted to learn to swim.
나는 늘 말 타는 걸 배우고 싶있어. I've always wante d to learn to ride a horse.
[20일] Was everyone all right?
1. ~하는데 무지 오래 걸리더라. 평소보다 오래 걸렸어요. It took forever to ~ .
오늘 아침에 출근하는 데 아주 오래 걸렸어요.
It took forever to get to work this morning.
= It took so long to get to work this morning.
= It took longer than usual to get to work this morning.
집에 가는 데 엄청 오래 걸리더라. It took forever to get home.
공항 가는 데 무지 오래 걸리더라. It took forever to get to the airport.
일 끝내는 데 무지 오래 걸리더라. It took forever to finish m y work.
2. - 는 무사했어? Was - all right?
어머니는 괜찮으셨어? Was your mother all right?
아들은 괜찼았어? Was your son all right?
네 친구는 무사했니? Was your friend all right?
3. ~ was totaled. ~ 가 완전히 망가졌어.
내 자전거가 완전히 망가졌어. My bike was totaled.
내 오토바이가 완전히 망가졌어. My motorcycle was totaled.
내 차가 완전히 망가졌어. My car was totaled.
[21일] One more week until winter break!
1. 난 그래도 -해야해. I still have to ~ .
I still have to some work .나 그래도 일을 해야 해 .
그래도 나 빨래를 해야 해 . I still have to do my laundry.
그래도 나 숙제 다 해야 해 . I still have to get my homework done.
2. 너 -하게 될 거야. You get to ~ .
바이올린 레슨을 시작하게 될 거야.
You get to start your violin lessons.
=You should start taking your violin lessons.
= You're suposed to start taking your violin lessons.
* 넌 ~해야 해,~하게 될 거야.
You get to ~ .
= You should ~ .
= You're supposed to ~ .
너 내일 피아노 레슨 시작하게 될거야. You get to start your piano lessons tomorrow .
축하해. 네가 먼저 가게 했어 . Congratulations! You get to go first.
네가 원하는 노래 뭐든 골라 봐. You get to choose any song you want.
3. 제가 ~하면 어떡하죠? What if I ~ ?
네가 수업을 빠지면 어떻게 되죠? What if I miss class?
오늘 저녁에 제가 숙제를 다 못하면 어떻게 되요? What if I can't finish all my home work tonig ht?
제가 학교에 출미를 잃으면 어떡하죠? What if I lose interest in school ?
[22일] You haven't taken any vacation this summer.
1. 어디든 가다 go anywhere
넌 원하는 곳 어디든 갈 수 및어 You can go anywhere you want.
그냥 어디든 가서 뭐 를 먹자. Let's just go anywhere and grab some food.
우리가 형편만 된다면 어디든 갈 수 있어. We can go anywhere as long as it's affordable.
2. 난 ~하려고 돈을 모으는 중이야. I'm saving to ~ .
내년에 가려고 돈을 모으는 중이야.
I'm saving to go next year.
= I'm saving some money to go next year.
= I'm putting aside some money to go next year.
* 돈을 모으다, 저축하다
= save some money
= put aside some money
난 새집으로 이사 가려고 돈을 모으고 있어. I'm saving to move to a new house.
난 차를 사려고 돈을 모으고 있어. I'm saving to buy a car.
나는 유학 가려고 돈을 모으고 있어. I'm saving to study abroad.
3. ~ 에 있는 아를다운 등산로 beautiful hiking trails on -
알프스산에서 아름다운 등산로들을 보셨어요? Did you see the beautiful hiking trails on the AIps?
산에 있는 아름다운 등산로들이 끝내주더라. The beautiful hiking trails on the mountain were amazing.
알프스산의 아름다운 등산로에 가 보자. Let's check out the beautiful hiking trails on the Alps.
[23일] Do you think we can adopt a stracy cat?
1. 보이더라, ~하더라. I noticed ~ .
동네에 새로운 길고양이들이 있는 걸 봤어
I noticed there are a couple of new stray cats in the neighborhood.
= I saw a couple of new stray cats in the neighborhood.
= Do you know there are a couple of new stray cats in the neighborhood?
I noticed there are ~ in-. -에 ~가 있는 거 봤어, -애 ~ 있는 거 알아?
= I saw ~ in...
= Do you know there are ~ in...?
네가 그녀에게 미소를 짓는 걸 봤어. I noticed you smiled at her.
너 머리 색깔 바꿨더라. I noticed changed your hair color.
너 하루 종일 기침을 하더라. I noticed have been coughing all day.
2. 자원봉사를 하다 volunteer
저 여기서 자원봉사를 하고 설습니다. I'd love to volunteer here.
우리 동물 보호소에서 자원봉사할 수 있을까? Can I volunteer at the animal shelter?
우리 여수 엑스포에서 자원봉사하자. Let's volunteer at Yeosu Expo.
3. 사이를게 잘 지내다 I get along well
너희들 사이좋게 잘 지내고 있니? Are you guys getting along well?
우리 사이좋게 잘 지냈으면 좋겠어 I hope we can get along well.
너 어렸을 때 남동생이랑 사이좋게 잘 지냈어? Did you get along well with your brother when you were young?
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[Easy Englih] 12월 2주차(12/5~12/9) (0) | 2016.12.11 |