<입이트이는영어 - 8월 4일차 복습>
- 라디오 방송 및 공부 후기
As a newlywed, marriage was a blissful time for me. However, there was one unforeseen drawback. I started to gain weight. My appetite improved and I couldn’t stop eating. My wife’s cooking skill was a mixed blessing. Soon, I was packing on the pounds. My excuse was that I didn’t have time to work out. At first, the weight gain was barely noticeable. But in a flash, I had gained almost 10 kilograms. It was getting out of hand. That’s when I decided to go on a diet. I ate less. I ate mostly vegetables. Above all, I started to exercise. I did lose a bit of the excess weight, but it soon returned. Weight control is a life-long task.
1. newlywed 신혼자
newlyweds 신혼부부
He is a newlywed.
She is a newlywed.
We are newlyweds.
2. blissful time 매우 행복한 시간
= extremely happy time
* blissful[|blɪsfl] 더 없이 행복한
3. foresee 예견하다
4. drawback 문제점, 결점
5. My appetite improved. 식욕이 좋아졌다
* appetite[|ӕpɪtaɪt] 식욕, 욕구
6. A mixed blessing 축복임 동시에 문제가 되는 것
7. a blessing in disguise (문제인 줄 알았던 것이 가져다 준) 뜻밖의 좋은 결과[이득]
8. pack on the pounds 살이 찌다
= gain extra weight
= get heavier
= put on weight
= gain weight
cf) weight gain 체중 증가량
9. barely/hardly noticeable[|noʊtɪsəbl] 거의 눈에 띄지 않는
10. In a flash 금방, 눈 깜찍할 사이에
11. get out of hand
= out of my countrol
= uncontrollable
12. He is a life-long friend.
그는 평생 친구야
13. Since then, I started to gain weight.
14. over my dead body 내 눈에 흙이 들어가기 전에는 (안 된다)
She moves into our home over my dead body.
내 눈에 흙이 들어가기 전에는 그녀를 이 집안에 들여 놓을 수 없어.
15. a bit of 한 조각의, 소량의
Cool, with quite a bit of rain.
서늘하고 비가 많이 올 거래.
16. a bit (구어) [부사적으로] 조금, 다소, 약간
I am a bit tired.
조금 피곤하다.
Wait a bit .
잠깐 기다려라.
a bit later
좀 있다가
a bit too much
좀 너무 많은
speak a bit less
말을 좀 적게 하다
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