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입트영(입이트이는영어) 8/1. Prepping for the College Entrance Exam


<입이트이는영어 - 8월 1일차 복습>
- 라디오 방송 및 공부 후기

When I was a senior in high school, everyone was obsessed with getting into college. I had to keep my grade point average (GPA) high throughout high school. I also had to do a lot of test prep for the Korean SAT. I gave my all to get ready. I paid attention in class. I also went to cram schools after classes and got private tutoring. I was part of the first generation of Internet lecture students. I looked into all the available information to choose a school. However, I didn’t make it. When I failed to get accepted, it really took the wind out of my sails. But soon, I redoubled my efforts. I spent another year preparing for college. And a year later, I got into the school of my choice.

1. be obsessed with ~에 몰두하다, 집착하다, ~를 몹시 좋아하다
 ➡ concentrate on only one thing

 In the morning, I'm obsessed with coffee.
 나는 아침에는 커피가 꼭 필요하다
 = In the morning, I really need coffee.

2. do a lot of test prep
 = prepare a lot of tests

 * do test prep 시험 준비를 하다
 * prep[prep] = preparation[|prepə|reɪʃn]의 줄임말
 * prepare[prɪ|per] 준비하다
 = make preparation for

3. give (it) my all 최선을 다하다
 = do my best

4. pay attention to sth ~에 집중하다, 주의를 기울이다

5. crap school 입시 학원
 = prep school

6. private tutoring 과외
 * private tutor 과외 선생님
 * private[|praɪvət]

7. make it
 1) (자기 분야에서) 성공하다
 He never really made it as an actor.
 그는 배우로서 결코 진정한 성공은 거두지 못했다.
 2) (어떤 곳에 간신히) 시간 맞춰 가다
 The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we'll never make it.
 비행기는 20분 있으면 떠나. 절대 우리가 시간 내에 못 갈 거야.
 3) (모임 등에) 가다[참석하다]
 I'm sorry I won't be able to make it on Saturday.
 미안해. 나 토요일에 못 갈 것 같아.
 4) (심각한 질병·사고 후에) 살아남다[이겨 내다]; (힘든 경험 등을) 버텨 내다[이겨 내다]
 The doctors think he's going to make it.
 의사들은 그가 (병을) 이겨 낼[회복할] 거라고 생각한다.

8. took the wind out of my sails 기운이 빠졌다

9. redouble one's efforts 노력에 박차를 가하다, 더욱 노력하다
 * redouble 배가 시키다

10. It will be over before you know it.
      금세 지나갈 거야

11. average[|ӕvərɪdƷ]
①평균의 ②보통의, 일반적인 ③평균 ④보통 (수준)

12. of my choice 가장 원하는, 1지망의

13. I'm really dreading it. 굉장히 부담스러워요

 * dread[dred]
 ①두려움; 두려운 것
 ②(…을) 몹시 무서워하다; (안 좋은 일이 생길까 봐) 두려워하다

 * for the first time 처음으로
 * It is the first time ~ ~한 것은 처음이다
 * the first time in a year 일년만에 처음으로