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Easy English(EBS)/17.02

[Easy English] 17.02.02 Would you like to ride it again?

EBS Easy English 17년 2월 2일 라디오 방송/공부 후기

1. How was your first ~ ? 첫 ~어땠어?
 첫 출근 어땠니 ?
 학교 첫날 어땠니?
 첫 해외여행 어땠니?
 How was your first day at work ?
 How was your first day at/of school ?
 How was your first trip abroad?

2. I got used to ~. ~에 익숙해졌어. 
got ~ ( )
 난 그 시스템에 익숙해졌어.
 난 운전하는게 익숙해졌어.
 나는 일찍 일어나는 것에 익숙해졌어.
 I got used to the system. 
 I got used to driving a car. 
 I got used to getting up early. 

3. I will be much better 휠씬 더 나아질거야.
 나는 내년에 훨씬 더 좋아질꺼야.
 나는 나중에 훨씬 더 나아질꺼야.
 나는 그때는 훨씬 더 좋아질꺼야. 
 I will be much better in the future. 
 I will be much better next year. 
 I will be much better then. 

4. Would you like to ~ again? 또 ~하고 싶으세요?
    = Do you want to(wanna) ~ again?
 또 타고 싶으세요?
 Would you like to ride it again?
 = Do you want to ride it again?

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 cf) 함박스테이크 hamburg steak